Rules, Policies, & Procedures

Learn more about how shooting and scoring work!
Policies & Procedures Index
Terms Of Participation
Team Operations
Equipment & Gear
Safety & Courtesy
Conference Participation
Clay Target Procedures
Conference True Team® Scoring
Policies & Procedures
State High School Clay Target Leagues are members of the USA High School Clay Target League, a division of the USA Clay Target League – a non-profit corporation. The League is the independent provider of clay target shooting sports to secondary and postsecondary schools. The League’s priorities are safety, fun, and marksmanship – in that order.
The USA Clay Target League’s Board of Directors and/or the Executive Committee reserves the right to make alterations in, or amendments to, these Policies & Procedures at any time without notice, whenever it is deemed to be in the best interest of the League.
These Policies & Procedures apply to all League-sponsored events and participants.
We Believe:
- Safe and responsible handling and storage of firearms and ammunition is the first priority.
- Everyone should have fun.
- Participation is a privilege and not a right.
- Sportsmanship needs to have a constant presence.
- Students should have an equal opportunity to participate.
- Ethical behavior, dignity and respect are expected.
- Participants will be chemically free.
- Collaborative relationships with schools and students create a positive experience.
- Academic priorities must come before participation.
- Adults must serve as a positive role model to students.
- The success of the team is more important than individual honors.
- Shooting ranges are critical to the success of the League and are positive business leaders in their community.
- Compliance with school, community, shooting range and League rules are mandatory for all participants.
- Shooting sports strengthens connections within families and communities for life.
- Everything the League does will always be in the best interest of the students.
The League’s priorities, in order of importance, are safety, fun, and marksmanship.
Fair Play
The League’s success is dependent on the trust it instills in every student athlete, coach, shooting range member, parent and school official. The assured reliance on character, ability, and truthfulness for each person will create a safe environment that everyone will enjoy.
Acts by coaches, volunteers, student athletes of using abusive or profane language, displaying unsportsmanlike conduct (includes but not limited to: Policy & Procedure violations; arguing with referees; unsafe handling/use of shotguns; distracting a competitor; cheating, etc.), consuming alcohol, or using drugs before or during any League event are prohibited and are grounds for suspension and/or expulsion from the League.
Student athletes are strongly encouraged to be respectful of the time constraints for all coaches, volunteers and shooting range staff.
All League-registered athletes, their parents/guardians, and team staff members are required to accept their respective League’s participation agreement.
All student athletes, team staff members, and shooting range officials must be familiar with the League’s Policies & Procedures and must ensure that these Policies & Procedures are enforced. It is the responsibility of each student athlete to comply with the Policies & Procedures. Any violation of Policies & Procedures should result in the following Two Strike Penalty Rule:
Strike 1: Upon a first violation the student athlete will be removed from team participation immediately and it will be the coach’s responsibility to contact the parents of the student athlete and address and resolve the concern(s) before the student athlete can return to the team.
Strike 2: If a second violation occurs the student athlete will be removed from the team with no refund and will not be able to return for the remainder of the season.
The League must be informed immediately of any permanent roster changes. Individual teams may include alternative penalties and enforcement actions.
School conduct, academic or chemical abuse policies and penalties and federal Gun-Free Zones Act laws will always supersede any League policies.
The mission of the League is to emphasize the positive influence shooting sports can have on athletes and their families. The League does this by providing a safe, comfortable, and positive environment focused on safety, sportsmanship, teamwork, and fun.
One aspect of creating a safe environment for athletes, coaches, and team staff members alike includes ensuring misconduct, including any physical and sexual abuse, is identified, addressed, and eliminated. Following the creation of the federal Safe Sport Authorization Act, the Center for SafeSport has identified six types of misconduct: emotional misconduct, physical misconduct, sexual misconduct, bullying, harassment and hazing. All forms of misconduct are intolerable and in direct conflict with the mission and goals of the League.
The League is committed to the safety and protection of all participating athletes, as well as the coaches and team staff members. Therefore, the League has published its Safe Sport Policy as a tool to help ensure a safe, comfortable, and positive environment for those participating in the League’s activities.
The League recommends education and training for student athletes, legal guardians, and any adult staff member on a team that interacts with an athlete in any team capacity or any competition or event overseen by the League. Education and training should include review of this Safe Sport Policy and completion of the Center for SafeSport Trained course. Team staff members are recommended to provide certification demonstrating successful completion of the Center for SafeSport Trained course to their team leader before being granted access to practices and other League-sanctioned events in which there will be interaction with athletes.
Every team staff member must report suspicions and/or allegations misconduct, as defined by Safe Sport Policy, the Center for SafeSport, and state and federal law.
To view the League’s Safe Sport Policy and/or to report a suspected violation of Safe Sport Policy misconduct, click here.
Clay Target Shooting Sport Options
The League offers four different clay target shooting sport “virtual” leagues. “Virtual” means that teams shoot at their local shooting range(s), submit the scores online, and then those scores are compared against all other athletes and teams in their respective conference. There is no need to travel to other shooting ranges to compete in head-to-head competitions. Conferences are determined by the type of clay target sport and then by similar team sizes.
The clay target shooting sport league offerings include trap shooting, skeet shooting, sporting clays and 5-stand. Teams can compete in one or more leagues as determined by their preferred clay target sport(s).
League Seasons
The League organizes a spring and fall clay target competition seasons, Although examples used in these Policies & Procedures are in reference to the League’s spring season, the League’s Policies & Procedures apply to both seasons.
The League’s season schedule is defined as the first day after student athlete registration ends and the final League-sponsored event for the season is completed. For the complete schedule and list of season events, please visit your League’s respective home page.
All registered participants in the League are insured by the League.
The General Liability Insurance Policy provided to team staff members provides a $1,000,000 per occurrence liability limit from claims made due to negligent acts resulting in bodily injury, personal injury or property damage to others.
The accident insurance for registered student athletes pays an athlete or an athlete’s beneficiaries up to $250,000 of medical expenses if an athlete’s death or dismemberment is the direct result of an shooting-related accident.
Staff members and athlete registrants must agree to League terms of participation to receive insurance. Contact the League for specific policy and certificate information.
The names of all registered athletes, coaches and other staff members must be included in the team’s profile in ClayTargetGo! – the League’s exclusive online management application suite – prior to the first practice event to qualify for the insurance.
A team’s shooting range may have an insurance policy that may cover on-site attendees while participating during scheduled League events. Ask your participating shooting range for their insurance policy details.
Participation Costs
Season Registration Fee – $40 (per sport)
- League registration fees include administration, awards, insurance, and a subscription to PullUSA – the League’s official magazine.
- Paid registration fees are refundable prior to the registration deadline. This must be submitted through the team’s coach that is required to processes the refund through their Team Management System in ClayTargetGo!
- No refunds will be issued after the registration deadline.
- League registration fees do not include optional participation in year-end tournaments.
- All first-year student athletes receive a complementary official League participation patch to adhere to their gear.
Tournament Registration Fees (optional)
Every spring every athlete is invited to participate in the League’s State Tournament (In Minnesota this is called the Championship). This is an optional opportunity for teams and athletes to compete in a season-ending event. Each League will have have an in-person event when feasible. In certain situations a virtual event will be held instead of an in-person event Please see your League’s website for specific tournament information.
Unpaid “Team Payment” Registration Fees
When a team selects the “team payment” option for athlete registration fees (conference season or tournament), the team is responsible for full payment of those fees prior to the published deadline. If the payment is not received by the deadline, the following will occur:
- Season registration fees: Two weeks after the deadline, access to the team’s Team Management System in ClayTargetGo! will be suspended and coaches will be unable to submit conference season scores. Access will be reactivated after full payment is received.
In-person Tournament fee: $50 – Trap & Skeet, $65 – 5-Stand & Sporting Clays
The in-person tournament fee includes administration, insurance, targets, awards, and a special State Tournament t-shirt. Fees do not include ammunition, practice, or travel costs.
- Tournament registration fees: Unpaid teams will not be allowed to participate on tournament day.
Virtual Tournament fee: $25
The virtual tournament fee includes administration, insurance, awards, and a special State Tournament t-shirt. Fees do not include ammunition, targets, or practice costs.
National Championship
The League holds a final, invite-only, National Championship in July. Please see the National Championship website for information about qualifying requirements and registration costs.
Team Costs
The total costs for each student athlete to participate in the League is determined by the team. Costs vary by team depending on ammunition costs, uniform expenses, and local shooting range fees.
- Cost for participation is typically $300-$400 and usually includes targets, ammunition, and other team costs. Additional expenses may include mandatory ear protection, eye protection, shooting gear, uniforms, or shotgun.
- Athletes must supply their own shotgun. Shooting ranges or teams may allow a shotgun to be borrowed based on team rules and/or state laws.
Student Athlete Firearm Education (SAFE) Certification Course Fee – $25
The League’s SAFE certification program is an optional firearm safety course designed by the League, for the League. It is a fantastic option for new athletes that have yet to complete any firearm safety certification. While all athletes are required to have firearm safety education, athletes are are not required to take the SAFE course.
Coach Leadership And Safety Support (CLASS) Certification Course Fee – $FREE/$25
CLASS is the League’s exclusive coach certification program. All Head Coaches are required to be CLASS Certified, and can take the course at any time free of charge. Assistant Coaches and/or team staff may also take the course for a fee.
Shooting ranges are important partners for high school clay target teams and play a vital role in providing student athletes a safe, fair, and competitive environment to participate in the League.
Ensuring a consistent and fair shooting experience throughout the League is important to the enjoyment of the sport for all participants. The League strongly encourages shooting ranges to adhere to standard equipment, field, target and target flight specifications to the best of the shooting range’s abilities.
Clay target team events should be held to the same requirements as other high school events. Therefore, no alcohol or tobacco will be used during League events at the shooting range.
Shooting ranges that host League teams should familiarize themselves with the League’s Policies & Procedures. This document is the first resource that clubs, teams, and coaches should refer to if there are any questions.
Additionally, the League recommends that shooting ranges set clear expectations with teams and athletes regarding shooting range rules and safety procedures.
In all cases, shooting range safety procedures and product specifications supersede any League policies and/or procedures.
Remote Shooting Range
If shooting range access is unavailable, teams may coordinate with a local landowner to create a remote range. Like formal shooting ranges, a remote range has to provide a safe, fair, and competitive environment for a team to participate in the League while following all shooting range requirements in these Policies & Procedures.
Remote range requirements:
- Land: Coordinate with the landowner to define expectations and requirements. The League can provide drafts of participant waiver forms for landowners to use. Land area must adhere to the field specifications as defined by the type of clay target sport regulations. Verify that any land use, noise ordinance, or waterway regulations are not impeded upon prior to commitments.
- Insurance: Verify insurance requirements with landowner.
- Thrower (Trap): Specifications for the thrower must meet sport requirements for target flight directions and speed.
- Target flight: A radar gun will measure the speed of a thrown target and apparatuses can be used to measure flight height, angles and distance.
- Other: Consider electrical access for machines, shooting post area, thrower shelters, gun racks, scoring tables, and more.
Visit the shooting range web page for more detailed information.
The League’s logo may be used by a team only if the team complies to the League’s Name and Logo Terms of Use requirements. If your team needs digital files of the League’s logo, contact the League.
PullUSA Magazine is the official publication of the USA Clay Target League. The magazine covers human interest features, lifestyle stories, tips, product reviews, college prep and more from the world of clay target shooting sports.
A complementary subscription to the the quarterly (four issues annually) magazine will be direct mailed and digitally delivered via email to registered and paid student athletes, Head Coaches, and participating shooting ranges.
• Mailed to valid addresses only.
• Athletes that do not want the magazine may opt-out through their profile in AMS.
The League has strict rules and regulations regarding disclosure of athlete and parent contact information, including but not limited to names, phone numbers, email addresses, house addresses or any other information allowing a third-party to identify or contact any League participant or parent.
Coaches, assistants, staff or any other personnel with access to contact information may not copy, distribute, sell, share, or make available in any manner, to any other person, entity, or third-party.
In the event of unauthorized disclosure of any contact information, the individual(s) responsible shall be deemed in violation of this privacy rule, and the League may resort to any remedy available to it, through its internal Bylaws or at law.
Terms Of Participation
All student athlete registrants must agree to the following agreement during registration.
Before an athlete may register to participate in clay target practices, events and competitions (collectively “Events”) organized by the USA Clay Target League and it’s subsidiaries (“League”), the following terms, conditions and consents must be agreed upon. Please read this agreement carefully; it is a legal document and affects your rights. All boxes must be checked indicating the specific provision has been read and agreed to before an athlete may participate in League Events. In the event of any conflict between this Participant Registration Agreement (“Agreement”) or any other policies or procedures or rules and regulations of the League, this Agreement shall govern. Any athlete signing this Participant Registration Agreement, or parent or guardian of a minor person signing this Agreement (collectively “Athlete”), shall be bound by the terms hereof.
The undersigned Athlete seeking to participate in League Events, hereby affirms that I have the authority to act on behalf of the Athlete and, as such, do hereby give my consent for the Athlete to participate in the League. I declare that I have read and fully understand this entire Agreement, and that by submitting this form I agree that the provisions of the form shall be binding upon me, my agents and representatives, and my heirs, assigns, successors or anyone taking an interest through my interest.
As a participant of League Events, I understand and agree that participation in League Events is a privilege not a right. As a participant, I agree to abide by and support all rules and procedures adopted and established by the League and to fully cooperate with the League in the implementation of all rules, policies and procedures. I further understand and acknowledge that the League, at its discretion, has the right to suspend an Athlete from participation in League Events, or permanently remove an Athlete from the League, without prior notice or a hearing, based upon conduct, behavior, or actions of the Athlete, his/her parents, coaches, team members, staff, volunteers or family members of Athletes (collectively “Team”).
I understand that this extracurricular activity is organized by the League, not my school or school district, and my participation is voluntary.
I hereby confirm that I have read and satisfy the eligibility requirements identified in the League’s rules and procedures. I further confirm that I agree to follow all League rules and policies to be eligible to participate in League Events. I shall follow and conform my behavior to all eligibility rules, policies, procedures and other League rules as they may be amended from time to time, during my participation in the League.
I hereby further confirm that the League has notified me of concussion awareness and I have reviewed the concussion management information found on the following website: I also confirm that in the last year, a doctor has not restricted Athlete’s participation in sports for any reason without clearing Athlete to return to sports. I further affirm that the obligation to understand concussion risks and awareness is my obligation and not the League’s.
The League places a strong emphasis on sportsmanship and safety. As part of this effort, parents/guardians are asked to read and discuss the elements of this Agreement under the heading of Sportsmanship. These provisions are an important part of this Agreement and will be enforced.
PARENTS – I understand the League’s first and foremost priority is safety. I will enforce the League’s safety standards with my child at all times. I will encourage my child and other team members to have fun. I will behave as a positive role model, respect the goals of the League, and reinforce the character values of good sportsmanship, teamwork, and self-discipline. I agree to stay off the shooting field. Any problems or criticisms will be presented in a positive way to the coaches or a designated assistant. I will refrain from criticizing other shooters, coaches, using abusive language, or consuming alcohol or drugs before or during all League activities that I attend. I understand that unsportsmanlike behavior on my part may result in my being asked to leave the area. Such actions on my part could also result in my child being suspended, disqualified or even removed from the League, without advance notice or a hearing of any type. I have reviewed this provision with my student Athlete
ATHLETE – I understand that shooting on a League team is a privilege. I agree to act responsibly and follow all safety rules while participating in the League. I will encourage and support my teammates, cooperate and show respect to my coaches, and represent the team in a positive manner both at practices and in competition. I will exhibit a positive attitude, practice good sportsmanship at all times. I understand that unsportsmanlike behavior on my part may result in my disqualification from an Event, suspension or even expulsion from the League, without notice or a hearing of any type.
Athlete acknowledges that the League is a team-based program that provides team competitions in trap shooting and which involves the use of firearms. The team consists of the members, athletes, coaches, staff, volunteers and family members of the athletes (“Team”). Athlete further acknowledges that the League emphasizes and requires the safe handling and use of firearms at venues and locations where firearms are present. Failure to adhere to this requirement may be grounds for suspension or removal from the League without notice or the right to a hearing.
Athlete knows and understand that there are risks and dangers associated with the use of firearms, including serious bodily injury, death and property damage. Athlete agrees to assume all risks, inherent or otherwise, that may occur due to, arise out of or be in connection with Athlete’s own participation, including without limitation the risk of serious bodily injury, death and property damage. Athlete further agrees to assume all risks, inherent or otherwise, that may occur due to, arising out of or in connection with the participation of others in the League, including without limitation other competitors, instructors/coaches, staff or volunteers of League, League Sponsors, or the Athlete’s school district, state high school athletic association, and audience members or spectators.
Athlete further covenants and agrees to hold the League and the Released Parties described below harmless from any liability and hereby waives and discharges the League, League Sponsors and the Governing Bodies, and each of their respective directors, officers, employees, agents or volunteers (collectively, “Released Parties”), from any and all claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, liabilities, damages, losses, judgments and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs) that the Athlete may suffer, directly or indirectly, due to, or arising out of or in connection with Athlete’s and Team’s participation or conduct (negligent or otherwise) in the League or the conduct (negligent or otherwise) of other teams, coaches, volunteers, or athletes in the League, including without limitation, the conduct (negligent or otherwise) of the Released Parties.
Athlete hereby releases the Released Parties from any and all claims, demands, damages, actions arising whether directly or indirectly from or in consequence of any and all losses, injury (including loss of life) and/or damage to the person and/or property of the Athlete, which is suffered, sustained or incurred during, in connection with or as a result of my presence at or while attending or participating in League activities and Events for any cause whatsoever, including without limitation the negligence, gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Released Parties and on behalf of myself I hereby fully release the League, Team and the Released Parties from damages which I may sustain or incur in connection with or arising directly or indirectly in any way from my presence at League Events or practicing for such Events, including without limitation, all damages, costs and expenses and attorneys’ fees incurred by the League, Team and Released Parties. Given the nature of the dangers associated with the League activities, Athlete would not be allowed to participate in League Events without this release.
The Athlete agrees to indemnify and hold Released Parties harmless for all damages, claims and expenses sustained by Athlete as a result of or during participation in League Events. This indemnity and hold harmless shall apply even in the event that the League or the Released Parties may have unintentionally or negligently caused damages. The Athlete hereby holds the League and the Released Parties, and each’s officers, shareholders, employees and agents harmless from and indemnifies them against any losses, damages, expenses which arise due to claims for damages or injury to persons or property without exception. The Athlete agrees to pay all expenses incurred by the League and the Released Parties, including without limitation, attorneys’ fees for counsel employed to represent the League and Released Parties, in any proceeding or suit brought by them, a third party or another athlete participating in the League resulting from damages claimed by Athlete. This paragraph, and all waivers, hold harmless, indemnification and release provisions herein shall survive termination of the Agreement.
Athlete grants to the League, League Sponsors, the Athlete’s school district, and the state high school athletic association permission to reproduce, publish, distribute, or otherwise use in any reasonable manner Athlete’s name, photograph, likeness and statements in connection with the promotion of the League, in all media, including without limitation, the internet, news articles, advertisements or other electronic or print materials. Athlete further covenants not to sue and agrees to waive, release and discharge the League, League Sponsor and the Governing Bodies, and all of their respective directors, officers, agents, employees and volunteers, from and against any and all claims, demands, action, suites, proceedings, liabilities, damages, losses, judgments and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs) arising out of or in connection with the use of Athlete’s name, photograph, likeness and statements, including, with out limitation, any and all claims for invasion of privacy, publicity, defamation and/or portrayal in a false light, copyright infringement and any claims and/or demands for compensation or royalties.
- That the League Events will be at shooting ranges where firearms may be discharged at any time;
- That firearms, ammunition and other paraphernalia related to firearms and the discharge thereof may take place without notice;
- That the use of firearms, ammunition and other paraphernalia related to firearms and the discharge thereof is subject to certain inherent risks and hazards and that the use of firearms and the activities associated therewith is and are potentially dangerous;
- That in entering upon or using the shooting facilities, I do so at my sole and absolute risk, notwithstanding that I may or may not be familiar with any or all aspects of firearms, ammunition and other related paraphernalia, the discharge of firearms of the risk and hazards associated therewith;
- That the Team and the League are not responsible for the actions of other teams or persons attending League Events;
- That while on or using the shooting facilities, I am absolutely and solely responsible for my own conduct, safety and well- being as well as the conduct, safety and well- being of other League participants, some of whom may be minors; and
- That engaging in or observing shooting activities may expose me to lead particles and other potentially harmful contaminants.
Athlete gives his/her consent to League, League Sponsors, the Athlete’s school district, the state high school athletic association and the host organization of any League Event to provide, through a medical staff of its choice, customary medical/athletic training attention, transportation and emergency services as the League or the Team directs in the course of his/her participation in League Events.
I further understand that in the case of injury or illness requiring transportation to a health care facility, a reasonable attempt will be made to contact the parent or guardian in the case of the Athlete being a minor, but that, if necessary, the Athlete will be transported via ambulance to the nearest hospital.
I acknowledge that the League and the Team do not provide health or accident insurance or other insurance for medical, hospital, physical therapy or occupational therapy expenses should they be needed. Other than in an emergency situation, all medical services or rehabilitation services are the sole responsibility of the Athlete.
I acknowledge and agree that by its nature, participation in extracurricular athletics includes risk of injury and the transmission of infectious diseases such as Herpes, Hepatitis B, MRSA, H1N1, H3N2 and variants. Although serious injuries are not common and the risk of HIV transmission is almost nonexistent in supervised programs, it is impossible to eliminate all risk. Participants have the responsibility to help reduce that risk. Participants must obey all safety rules, report all physical and hygiene problems to their coaches, follow a proper conditioning program, and inspect their own equipment daily.
I certify that Athlete is covered for accidental medical expenses by some recognized insurance company or the Athlete or his/her parents/guardians, will assume full responsibility for medical expenses incurred because of injuries. Athlete recognizes that the neither the League nor the League Team is a Health Insurer or a medical service provider. The League and the League Team are not obligated and will not carry health or accidental insurance or other insurance for medical and hospitalization expenses arising from such injuries.
The League (referred to as “site editor” below) takes your right to privacy seriously, and wants you to feel comfortable using the League’s web site (“site”). This privacy policy deals with personally-identifiable information (referred to as “data” below) that may be collected by this site. This policy does not apply to other entities that are not owned or controlled by the site editor, nor does it apply to persons that are not employees or agents of the site editor, or that are not under the site editor’s control.
Use and collection of data. You are required to provide the indicated required information. Data will be viewed by the authorized manager of your team via the League Team Management System. Efforts will be made to prevent your data being made available to third parties unless (i) provided for otherwise in this Privacy Policy; (ii) your consent is obtained, such as when you choose to opt-in or opt-out for the sharing of data; (iii) a service provided on our site requires interaction with a third party, or is provided by a third party, such as an application service provider; (iv) pursuant to legal action or law enforcement; (v) it is found that your use of this site violates the site editor’s policy, terms of service, or other usage guidelines, or if it is deemed reasonably necessary by the site editor to protect the site editor’s legal rights and/or property; or (vi) this site is purchased by a third party, in which case that third party will be able to use the data in the same manner as set forth in this policy. In the event you choose to use links displayed on this web site to visit other web sites, you are advised to read the privacy policies published on those sites.
You are not provided with the ability to edit the information stored for your user account information after registration. You can request that your user account be deleted upon completion of the League events; To do so, please contact the site administrator. Changes may be made to this policy from time to time. You will be notified of substantial changes to this policy either by through the posting of a prominent announcement on the site, and/or by a mail message sent to the e-mail address you have provided, which is stored within your user settings. Your participation is your approval of any changes to the site and use of data. While this privacy policy states standards for maintenance of data, and while efforts will be made to meet the said standards, the site editor is not in a position to guarantee compliance with these standards. There may be factors beyond the site editor’s control that may result in disclosure of data. Consequently, the site editor offers no warranties or representations pertaining to maintenance or non-disclosure of data. If you have any questions about this policy or about this web site, please feel free to contact the site administrator.
This Agreement between the League, Athlete and Parents/Guardians shall be governed by, and be construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Minnesota. Any litigation commenced by Athlete, Parents/Guardians or the League concerning the activities of an Athlete or Parents/Guardians in the League, a dispute arising between Athlete, Parents/Guardians and the League regarding any matter, or related to the enforcement of this Agreement shall be venued in any court within Hennepin County, Minnesota, Fourth Judicial District (the “Selected Court”). In the event that any provision of this Agreement shall be held as void or unenforceable by the Selected Court, such holding shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement, which shall continue to be valid and enforceable and remain in full force and effect. The League shall be entitled to recover from Athlete, all its attorney’s fees and costs incurred due to any claim, dispute, or action, whether or not a court action is filed.
If any part of this document shall be unenforceable, the portion, which is unenforceable, shall be served and the balance of this document shall remain in full force and effect. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, if the Release on behalf of myself shall be deemed to be unenforceable, the aforesaid Indemnities shall nevertheless remain in full force and effect.
I/we acknowledge the electronic signature confirms I/we have read and reviewed the information contained in the contents of the Participation Registration Agreement. I/we also acknowledge this electronic signature has the same legal effect, validity, and enforceability as a signature in a non-electronic form.
All listed team staff registrants must agree to the following agreement during registration.
Before anyone may register to participate in clay target events and competitions (collectively “Events”) overseen by the USA Clay Target League and it’s subsidiaries (“League”), the following terms, conditions and consents must be agreed upon. Please read this form carefully, as it is a legal document and affects your rights. All boxes must be checked indicating the specific provision has been read and agreed to before anyone may participate in League Events. In the event of any conflict between this Agreement or any other policies or procedures or rules and regulations of the League, this Agreement shall govern.
As a member, athlete, coach, staff, volunteer and/or family member of an athlete (collectively hereafter “Team”) I hereby agree that, as a condition to participating in League Events, I agree, and the Team, agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. I declare that I have read and fully understand this Agreement. By submitting this registration form, I agree that all of the provisions of this Agreement are binding upon me and that I will be responsible to ensure the Team also follows the terms herein.
I agree that only registered students in good standing with their school (‘Athletes”) may participate on the team in Events overseen by the League. No Athlete will be considered registered until the student (and his/her parent or guardian if the student is under 18) has accurately completed and submitted a separate Athlete Participation Agreement with the League, which has been approved by the League.
I understand and agree that participation in League Events is a privilege not a right. I and the Team agree to abide by and support the League. I and the Team agree to ensure that all rules and procedures adopted and established by the League are strictly followed by the Team. I and the Team shall ensure that its representatives, coaches, volunteers, Athletes and family members of Athletes also abide by and support all the rules and procedures adopted and established by the League. The League at its discretion, has the right to suspend myself, Team or any Athlete from participation in Events or permanently remove myself, an Athlete or Team from the League, based upon conduct, behavior, or actions of the Team, whether done by myself, a member, coach, staff, volunteer, athlete, or family member of an athlete.
I and the Team further understand the need for consistent and uniform compliance with League Event rules and acknowledges the necessity for the League to establish rules and procedures for such Events. I and the Team further acknowledge and agree that we will abide by all rules, policies and procedures related to participation in League Events, as may be amended from time to time.
I hereby confirm that I have read all of the Team eligibility requirements identified in the League’s rules and procedures and represent that the Team satisfies these eligibility requirements. I further confirm that I and the Team will follow all League rules and policies in order to be eligible to participate in League Events. I understand that once I sign this eligibility statement on behalf of myself and the Team, all eligibility rules apply during the Team’s participation in the League.
I understand the League’s first and foremost priority is safety. I and the Team agree that we will enforce the League’s safety standards at all times. The coaches, staff, Athletes and their family members and volunteers of the Team will behave as positive role models, respect the goals of the League, and reinforce the character values of good sportsmanship, teamwork, and self-discipline. The Team and Athletes will refrain from interfering with other teams, shooters, or coaches. I understand that unsportsmanlike behavior by myself, an Athlete, Team, its coaches, or volunteers may result in myself, the Team or Athlete being suspended, disqualified or removed from the League, without notice or a hearing of any kind.
I and the Team know and understand that there are risks and dangers associated with the use of firearms, including serious bodily injury, death and property damage. I and the Team agree (i) to assume all risks, inherent or otherwise, that may occur due to, arise out of or be in connection with the Team and its Athlete’s participation in League Events, including without limitation the risk of serious bodily injury, death and property damage; and (ii) to assume all risks, inherent or otherwise, that may occur due to, arise out of or be in connection with the participation of others in the League, including without limitation other competitors; instructors/coaches; staff or volunteers of League, League Sponsors, or the Team’s school districts, any League sponsors, the State high school athletic association; and audience members or spectators.
Please be advised that it is not possible to list all of the activities and related risks that a Team may encounter by participating in the League. There may be risks that are not known to Team, or to other Athletes of the League, or the staff or volunteers, the Team’s school districts, League sponsors, or the State high school athletic association, and may not be foreseen or reasonably foreseeable by anyone at this time or at the time of the activities in which Athlete participates.
I and the Team further covenant and agree to hold the League and the Released Parties described below harmless from any liability and agree to release, waive, indemnify, and discharge the League, League Sponsors, the Team’s school districts, and the State high school athletic association, and each of their respective directors, officers, employees, agents or volunteers (collectively, “Released Parties”), from any and all claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, liabilities, damages, losses, judgments and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs) that the Team may suffer, directly or indirectly, due to, or arising out of or in connection with Team’s participation or conduct (negligent or otherwise) in the League or the conduct (negligent or otherwise) of other teams, coaches, volunteers, or athletes in the League, including without limitation, the conduct (negligent or otherwise) of the Released Parties.
To the fullest extent allowed by law, I and the Team jointly and severally agree to defend, indemnify and hold the League, League Sponsors, the Team’s school district, and the State high school athletic association, and each of their respective directors, officers, employees, agents or volunteers, harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, liabilities, damages, losses, judgments and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs) by third parties (including team’s coaches, volunteers and athletes) for any bodily injury, death or property damage or other incident occurring due to, arising out of or in connection with Team’s participation or conduct (negligent or otherwise) in the League Events.
I and the Team grant to the League, League Sponsors, the Team’s school district, and the State high school athletic association permission to reproduce, publish, distribute, or otherwise use in any reasonable manner Team’s name, photograph, likeness and statements in connection with the promotion of the League, in all media, including without limitation, the internet, news articles, advertisements or other electronic or print materials. I and the Team further covenant not to sue and agree to waive, release and discharge the League, League Sponsor, the Team’s school districts, and the State high school athletic association, and all of their respective directors, officers, agents, employees and volunteers, from and against any and all claims, demands, action, suites, proceedings, liabilities, damages, losses, judgments and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs) arising out of or in connection with the use of Team or its Athlete’s name, photograph, likeness and statements, including, without limitation, any and all claims for invasion of privacy, publicity, defamation and/or portrayal in a false light, copyright infringement and any claims and/or demands for compensation or royalties.
This Agreement between myself, the Team and the League, shall be governed by, and be construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Minnesota. Any litigation commenced by the myself, the Team or the League concerning the activities of myself or the Team in the League, a dispute arising between a Team and the League regarding any matter, or related to the enforcement of this Agreement shall be venued in any court within Hennepin County, Minnesota, Fourth Judicial District (the “Selected Court”). In the event that any provision of this Agreement shall be held as void or unenforceable by the Selected Court, such holding shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement, which shall continue to be valid and enforceable and remain in full force and effect. The League shall be entitled to recover from myself and Team all its attorney’s fees and costs incurred due to any claim, dispute, or action, whether or not a court action is filed.
I and the Team agree that personally identifiable information of Athlete (Data) will only be viewed by the authorized manager of Team via the League Team Management System. Team will not provide access, copy, share or otherwise disseminate Data inconsistent with the Athlete’s right to privacy.
I acknowledge that the electronic signature confirms that I have read and reviewed the information contained in this entire Agreement. I also acknowledge that this electronic signature has the same legal effect, validity, and enforceability as an original signature on a non-electronic form.
Any student enrolled in school at the time of the student athlete registration deadline date is eligible to participate if he/she:
- Is in grades six through twelve (or thirteen in some states), AND
- Has completed a League-approved firearm safety certification program, AND
- Meets all school athletics and/or activities eligibility requirements, AND
- Complies with the League’s Policies & Procedures, AND
- If the team has the capacity to accommodate the student.
Homeschooled or online students may participate on a team if they meet the above criteria and the team is located within the same school district as their primary residence.
If a student athlete transfers to a different school during the League’s season, the athlete must complete the season with the team for which they originally registered. No team roster changes are allowed after registration is complete.
New York student athletes and their families must meet requirements as noted in Section 265 of the New York State Penal Code.
- Must be 12 years of age or older
- Student athletes under the age of 17 cannot access their shotguns or ammunition outside of a shooting range and without an adult meeting the team staff requirements in these Policies & Procedures.
Athlete Different School Team Participation
If an student wants to participate in the League and the student’s school does not have a clay target team, the athlete may participate on another team with the approval of both school’s Athletic/Activities Directors on a Cooperative Agreement.
If both schools already have a cooperative participation arrangement for other sports or activities, a League Cooperative Agreement is not required. Check with your school regarding cooperative agreement requirements prior to considering a cooperative agreement with a student and school.
If no cooperative participation arrangement is valid with the student’s school and the team school, then the student athlete MUST have the League’s Cooperative Agreement completed by both school athletic/activity directors. This agreement is available here. The Head Coach must retain the approved Cooperative Agreement.
- A student must join a team that is located nearest the student’s home school district.
- The League’s Cooperative agreement is valid for only one year.
- The student athlete must participate with the team for all events.
- A student athlete that is a member of one team cannot join another team regardless if it is a different clay target sport or season offering.
The Head Coach makes all decisions if the team can accommodate any athletes from other school districts.
It is strongly encouraged that the student makes a concerted effort to start a team at his/her own school before participating on another school’s team.
Special Need Athletes
Shooting sports provides student athletes and their families an equal opportunity to participate in the League.
Students with physical disabilities, learning disabilities, or mental health concerns should consult with the team’s Head Coach prior to registering with the team to explore participation opportunities and requirements. The student’s participation may require written approval from a physician.
Special need student athletes may utilize coach assistance and/or apparatuses at any time while shooting.
In the spirit with which this League was formed, the League encourage all athletes who meet student athlete eligibility requirements to be included on a team based on submission of registration (first come, first serve) and not by tryouts.
- Different schools within or adjacent to a school district may combine student athletes to form a single team.
- A minimum of one coach for every 10 team members is required.
- An unlimited number of student athletes may be on a team if the athlete-to-coach ratio complies.
- The number of members on a team will be determined by a combination of coach/student ratio and shooting range capacity.
- All teams are required to have a minimum of two (2) student athletes registered by discipline in any or all four, clay target shooting sport league offerings before the deadline expires.
- Teams with less than two (2) registered student athletes after the deadline expires will be notified regarding season participation and any paid registration fees will be refunded.
It is important that the Head Coach and the shooting range work together to determine the number of students the coaching staff and facility can safely and efficiently accommodate.
- If additional coaches are required to conform to the coach/student ratio requirements, ask parents or shooting range members to assist with the team.
- If additional shooting time is needed at the shooting range to accommodate more members, consider adding an additional event day during the week or extend participation hours.
- If a shooting range has reached capacity or team size limit is imposed, returning student athletes and seniors should be provided the first opportunity to participate.
- Teams may utilize different shooting ranges to accommodate larger team sizes and/or to reduce travel for participants.
- Teams may add another clay target sport through the Head Coach.
Team Setup
The League is not a sanctioned sport/activity with a state’s high school activity/athletic association. Most schools will designate the clay target team as a club or activity just like other activities at the school. This means the coaching staff is solely responsible for management, coaching, administration, and monetary management on behalf of the team.
Non-Profit Organization
Because most teams are setup as an independent activity for the school, some teams will establish a nonprofit organization for their team to take advantage of being tax-exempt and the ability to accept contributions and donations that are tax-deductible to the donor. Additional benefits include, but are not limited to:
- Exemption from federal and/or state corporate income taxes.
- Possible exemption from state sales tax (varies by state).
- Ability to apply for grants and other public or private allocations available only to IRS-recognized, nonprofit organizations.
- The public legitimacy of IRS recognition.
- Formal checking and banking services.
It is strongly recommended to consult with certified legal and accounting professionals prior to considering starting a nonprofit organization.
Any high school or incorporated homeschool association that is usually comprised of grades 9-12 located within the League’s state are eligible to participate. Teams require:
• Written approval from the school (Board, Principal, Assistant Principal, or Activities/Athletic Director) to use the school name for the team, AND
• A minimum of two (2) student athletes, AND
• A school-approved adult (21+ years of age) Head Coach
All teams require a letter or email from the school authorizing participation of the team and Head Coach that has successfully completed the League’s CLASS Certification.
Example approval letter: This letter serves as an approval for our students to represent Example High School and to utilize the name Example High School for their clay target team representation in the State High School Clay Target League. The team’s Head Coach will be John Doe and his email address is
Schools are strongly encouraged to allow the team to use the school logo, offer a lettering program, and recognition in the school’s yearbook.
If state or school district policies do not allow homeschool student to participate on a school team, unincorporated homeschool educational institutions or groups of homeschool students are eligible to participate in the USA Homeschool Clay Target League.
Athlete Participation On Non-Enrolled/Different School Team.
If an student wants to participate in the League and the student’s school does not have a clay target team, the athlete may participate on another team with the approval of both school’s Athletic/Activities Directors through a Cooperative Agreement.
If both schools already have a cooperative participation arrangement for other sports or activities, a League Cooperative Agreement is not required. Check with your school regarding cooperative agreement requirements prior to considering a cooperative agreement with a student and school.
If no cooperative participation arrangement is valid with the student’s school and the team school, then the student athlete MUST have the League’s Cooperative Agreement completed by both school athletic/activity directors. This agreement is available here. The Head Coach must retain the approved Cooperative Agreement.
- A student must join a team that is located nearest the student’s home school district.
- The League’s Cooperative agreement is valid for only one year.
- The student athlete must participate with the team for all events.
- A student athlete that is a member of one team cannot join another team regardless if it is a different clay target sport or season offering.
The Head Coach makes all decisions if the team can accommodate any athletes from other school districts.
It is strongly encouraged that the student makes a concerted effort to start a team at his/her own school before participating on another school’s team.
League-Approved Firearm Safety Certifications
All student athletes are required to obtain certification for either of the League-approved firearm safety certification programs. Only a state-approved hunter education certificate or the League’s SAFE Certification are accepted. Teams should verify the firearm safety training certification requirements with the shooting range where they will be conducting League events.
Student athletes cannot shoot at an event on a team at any time without obtaining a League-approved firearm safety certificate first.
State-issued hunter education certificate numbers or dates of completion of SAFE Certification (online and range day) are required to be included into the athlete’s profile before scores are submitted for the student athlete. Updates to the registered student athlete’s firearm certification must be made in the athlete’s profile in AMS or by a coach in TMS before scores are submitted for the student athlete.
See Athlete Registration for information regarding obtaining safety certification after registration.
State-Approved Hunter Education Certification
Most states require that hunters complete a certified hunter education course. The hunter education certificate is proof that students have successfully completed a state’s official and approved hunting safety course. A student can use a different state’s hunter education certificate than their residing state. A team coach will verify the certificate’s authenticity. Check your state’s department of natural resources website for complete hunter education certification information. If the hunter education certificate cannot be obtained by the deadline, then the League’s SAFE Certification is recommended if the shooting range allows it.
Student Athlete Firearm Education (SAFE) Certification
The League’s SAFE Certification provides an in-depth firearm safety and procedures training program designed specifically for League participants. The cost per student of the SAFE Certificate is a nominal fee and is payable at the beginning of the online course. Refunds are not allowed. The SAFE Certificate is valid only for League participation and cannot be used for obtaining a hunting license. The online course takes approximately three hours to complete and the range day training course conducted by a coach takes approximately two hours to complete.
The SAFE Certificate is designed specifically for student athletes and coaches participating in the League.
The SAFE Certification requires the completion of the online AND shooting range certification programs to earn the SAFE certificate.
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Complete the SAFE Online Certification program. Upon completion of the online course, the student athlete will receive a confirmation email and PDF certificate.
Step 3: Complete the SAFE Range Certification. The SAFE Range Certification is conducted at a shooting range through a team coach. The student athlete MUST complete the SAFE Online Certification BEFORE participating in the SAFE Range Day. Athletes must bring a printed SAFE Certificate to the SAFE Range Day. A CLASS-Certified coach must authorize it.
Step 3: Athlete/parent or coach must enter the completion dates of the online and range day certification into the Athlete Management System through ClayTargetGo! before scores are submitted for the student athlete.
Students will participate in a training session conducted by a CLASS -Certified coach on the team. The shooting range training will include firearm safety, shooting sport procedures, shooting at clay targets, and range safety requirements. The Instructors must have completed the League’s Coach Leadership And Safety Support (CLASS) Certification program. Instructors will be provided a SAFE Range Certification guide from the League to assist with certification.
All student athletes that complete the SAFE Certification receive an official iron-on certificate patch from the League.
Coach Leadership And Safety Support (CLASS) Certification
The League’s CLASS Certification provides a comprehensive and interactive online education and training program designed specifically for League coaches. The CLASS Certification is available to all coaches and takes approximately four hours of online training to complete.
- New Head Coaches are required to complete the CLASS Certification from the League prior to Practice Week 1. One complementary single-use promotional code to complete the certification will be provided.
- New Head Coaches assigned during the participation season are requested to complete the certification within ten days.
- Any staff member may take the CLASS Certification for a nominal fee.
- Only CLASS-Certified coaches may conduct the SAFE Range Certification program for student athletes to complete the SAFE Certification.
The CLASS Program provides three critical areas of coach training: Leadership, Range Safety Officer, and Student Athlete Firearm Education.
All coaches that complete the CLASS Certification receive an official iron-on certificate patch from the League.
The CLASS Certification can be found at
Team Operations
Sponsorships, donations and fundraising events for the team are strongly encouraged to help raise money and reduce the costs of participation for the athletes. Recognition for team sponsorships may occur on team uniforms, banners and websites. Sponsorships cannot include or reference:
• Tobacco products
• Gambling
• Sexual connotations
• Alcohol products (bar/restaurant establishments allowed)
Other Memberships
No school, or student in a school, shall be required to join any outside organization to participate in the League.
Recruiting student athletes for a team is coordinated through the high school. Host an open house event at the school to invite everyone that is interested in learning about the team. Promote the open house event through school newsletters, message boards, and posters.
The League’s student athlete recruitment kit contains a checklist of items to prepare your event, promotional messages and posters to customize and print, and presentation materials to assist with a successful event. Sign interested student athletes up and you have a team!
It is strongly encouraged that each team develops an emergency management plan so they are prepared in case of an emergency. It is vitally important that all elements of this plan are clearly understood by team coaches, shooting range staff, parents and athletes. Emergency management plans should include:
• Immediate access to a phone to dial 911.
• Team roster report – Downloaded and printed from the Team Management profile. This includes emergency contact
information for athletes and medical conditions.
• Evacuation information – in case of inclement weather.
• Situation leaders – assigned staff that serve as designated decision-makers and communicators who understand their
roles and responsibilities.
• Key contacts – School officials, police, fire, hospital, legal counsel, monetary management, Board of Directors, community partners, etc.
Clear, decisive, and timely communication is important in any situation and having an established plan will help the team successfully navigate its way through any emergency.
Staffing Overview
All non-student team staff members on a team will strive to develop in each athlete the qualities of leadership, initiative, fine judgment, and good citizenship.
The school is responsible for approval of the Head Coach and the school may require background screening for all coaches and volunteers.
Volunteer state-approved hunter education instructors or certified firearm safety instructors are very qualified coaches to be included on a team’s coaching staff. Check your state’s department of natural resources website for complete hunter education instructor certification information.
All New York coaches must successfully complete the New York Department of Environmental Conservation certification course or must be a duly commissioned officer of the United States army, navy, air force, marine corps or coast guard, or of the national guard of the state of New York; or a duly qualified adult citizen of the United States who has been granted a certificate as an instructor in small arms practice issued by the United States army, navy, air force or marine corps, or by the adjutant general of this state, or by the National Rifle Association of America; or an agent of the department of environmental conservation appointed to conduct courses in responsible hunting practices pursuant to article eleven of the environmental conservation law.
Head Coach
Each team requires an adult (21+ years of age) Head Coach which must be approved by the school’s leadership administration. New Head Coaches are required to complete the CLASS Certification from the League prior to Practice Week 1. Alternative shooting sport coach certification is not required for any coaches.
The Head Coach is responsible for all operations of a school’s team including, but not limited to:
• Supervising student athletes in a professional manner.
• Recruiting and training assistant coaches.
• Training student athletes in safety and courtesy.
• Training student athletes in clay target shooting sport skills.
• Monitoring the safe handling of shotguns and ammunition.
• Having a wide experience in shotgun shooting and a thorough knowledge of shotguns and shooting range equipment.
• Supervising, advising and assisting all coaches and volunteers.
• Educating student athletes about shooting range safety and courtesy rules.
• Managing student, coach, League, or school conflicts.
• Enforcing all Policies & Procedures.
• Making all penalty decisions.
• Coordinating schedules.
• Submitting all required forms and payments before deadlines.
• Verifying all scores and submitting them to the League before the deadline.
• Appointing qualified Range Safety Officer.
• Conducting and verifying Student Athlete Firearm Education (SAFE) certification.
• Completing the Coach Leadership And Safety Support (CLASS) certification.
• Making all decisions in any and all cases which are not provided for in the Policies & Procedures, or are against the spirit of these Policies & Procedures, in the best interest of the school, team and the League.
Assistant Coach & Team Staff Members
Team assistants receive responsibilities as assigned by the Head Coach. Assistant coaches cannot be student athlete athletes and must be 18+ years of age.
Team Manager
Although not required, it is recommended each team have a Team Manager. The Team Manager’s responsibilities may include:
• Coordinating communications from the League to the coaches and team members.
• Managing all information for team rosters.
• Ensuring all League required forms, payments and score submissions are submitted completely and within deadlines.
• Assist the coaching staff when requested.
Range Safety Officer
The Range Safety Officer (RSO) will possess the knowledge and skills essential to organizing, conducting and supervising safe shooting activities and range operations. One RSO must be present at no more than two adjoining fields during all times when a student athlete participates in League events. The RSO’s responsibilities will include:
• Ensuring all shotguns and ammunition are handled safely at all times.
• Supervising preparation of the shooting range according to technical, safety, and target requirements.
• Ensuring the correct application of guns, ammunition and equipment is being used.
• Ensuring proper hearing and eye protection is worn by athletes.
Patch Program
The League provides a number of different iron-on patches to acknowledge student athlete participation and achievement.
The following patches can be earned based on their corresponding achievement.
Please note the patch achievements are included as a participant in the League and therefore are free of charge.
- Conference (orange):
• 25- and 50-straight patches.
• Mailed to new teams prior to season. Existing teams can order via TMS. - State Tournament (blue):
• 25-, 50-, 75-, and 100-straight patches
• Distributed at the event only - National Championship (purple):
• 25-, 50-, 75-, and 100-straight patches
• Distributed at the event only. - Championship (green):
• 25-, 50-, 75-, and 100-straight patches
• Distributed at the event only.
• Minnesota - All-State (silver):
• State High School Clay Target League spring season only.
• Top overall season standings per League and discipline.
• Distributed at tournaments or mailed to teams. - Athlete (red):
• For all new athletes to the League.
• Mailed to teams two weeks after registration ends.
Lettering & Yearbook
Each participating school is strongly encouraged to offer a lettering program and a team picture in the school yearbook. Approximately 80% of all schools offer this recognition. Each school has different criteria for awarding letters and yearbook recognition to participating student athletes. Verify the participation and accomplishment requirements with your school. The League offers lettering program recommendations for coaches through the League’s website.
The League offers scholarship opportunities to student athletes that are pursuing a postsecondary education.
To qualify, a student athlete must:
- Be a member of the League.
- Be a graduating senior in participating year.
- Demonstrate an interest in pursuing a career in environmental sciences and/or conservation of natural resources.
- Adhere to all school eligibility requirements.
- Submit application before deadline.
More details and applications are made available on the Scholarship page
ClayTargetGo! Application
ClayTargetGo! is the League’s exclusive online application suite designed specifically for League coaches and families! ClayTargetGo! helps users manage operations, online registration, communications, scoring, statistics, and more. Learn more!
After confirming their team’s participation in the League, the Head Coach of the team will assigned primary access to the Team Management System in ClayTargetGo!.
The Team Management System includes:
- Activity Dashboard – instantly review critical team status, action items, and important messages from the League.
- Team Profile – school and coach contact information, billing information, conference designation, registration user names and passwords, and more.
- Team Roster – add, edit, and download all information about your team members from each sport and each list.
- Submit Scores – submit weekly scores for each athlete.
- Team Scoring Report – review scores and statistics on each athlete or the team.
- Tournament Registration – activated prior to tournaments to manage student athlete registration and roster.
- Access Special Team Offers – advertisements from select League providers offer special purchase incentives for teams.
The Head Coach may invite other coaches via email to gain access to TMS and allow certain privileges to access information.
To setup a TMS account for staff members:
- Get the Team ID from the team’s Head Coach.
- Visit and follow the new account instructions.
Only a Head Coach or team administrator can change the TMS access for the Head Coach. If a Head Coach needs to be replaced in TMS, contact the League.
The Athlete Management System™ allows ClayTargetGo! users (athletes and guardians) to access important features to monitor athlete activities.
- Activity Dashboard – instantly review critical team status, action items, and important messages from the League and the team.
- Registration – registration and payment confirmation.
- Athlete Profile – contact information, medical concern, and important documents.
- Shooter Performance Tracker – review scores and statistics.
- Access Special Offers – advertisements from select League providers offer special purchase incentives for athletes.
Student athlete registration is coordinated through the League’s Athlete Management System (AMS) on ClayTargetGo!
New Students: Contact your coach to receive a Team ID that enables you to make a new AMS profile in ClayTargetGO!. Once your profile is complete, you are eligible to be invited to complete the registration process. Watch for a notification on your AMS dashboard with a link to register.
Existing Students: Previous League participants already have an AMS profile in ClayTargetGO!. Please login to your AMS profile and update any missing information. Once your coach invites you to register, you will be able to complete the registration process by following the link in the notification on your AMS dashboard.
Coaches will invite students to register using the League’s Team Management System in ClayTargetGO!. Once invited, athletes will be notified via email and by notification on their AMS/ClayTargetGO! dashboard that they are now eligible to register.
Whether a student athlete is from the previous year’s team or is new to the team, ALL student athletes are required to complete their registration and payment (if applicable) through AMS by the registration deadline. Athletes may login to their profile on ClayTargetGO! at any time to check their registration status.
To setup an AMS account:
- Get the Team ID from the team’s Head Coach.
- Visit and follow the instructions.
Shooter Performance Tracker®
The Shooter Performance Tracker® (SPT) is a League-exclusive web-based performance tracking tool provided to all participants in the League.
- Athletes can view their SPT access information in AMS.
- Athletes can monitor their scores and ranking when compared against other athletes on their team, their conference and the League.
- Scores and rankings are updated after weekly event results have been posted on the website.
All season and tournament results, standings, and awards are published on their respective Leaderboards.
Regular season individual scores for athletes are not published. Athletes may find their scores in the Shooter Performance Tracker. Coaches may find individual scores in the scoring report for each discipline in TMS.
Equipment & Gear
Each athlete is responsible for personal equipment and items. Shooting ranges or coaches are not responsible for a student athlete’s personal items.
Equipment Inspections
Any team coach or RSO has the right to examine any item of an athlete’s equipment including guns, ammunition, clothing, and other equipment to ensure proper accordance with these Policies & Procedures.
Student athletes are required to supply their own shotgun. Some teams or shooting ranges may have shotguns to borrow or rent as allowed by law.
All types of smooth-bore shotguns, including semi-automatics, may be used provided their caliber does not exceed 12 gauge.
The student athlete cannot use a shotgun that:
- Has any form of “release” trigger actions.
- Has a sling or strap attached.
- Changes the properly functioning firearm in the same round.
- Use attached devices that have magnifying or light emitting effects.
- Has a pistol grip that does not have a stock.
- Has a mechanical hammer used for “cocking”.
- Utilizes a detachable magazine.
- Has a barrel length of less than 24”.
- Is designed or intended for home defense or tactical purposes.
All student athletes must use factory ammunition. Ammunition load, shot size, and velocity (feet per second) specifications must meet the use requirements of the shooting range during the event. A student athlete cannot use:
- Reloaded cartridges.
- Tracers, copper and nickel coated shot.
- Tracker wads during competition.
Shooting range ammunition requirements supersede League ammunition requirements.
Each clay target discipline has ammunition use recommendations. Visit the respective discipline’s website page to learn more.
Eye protection devices designed specifically for shooting sports are required for each student athlete and coach to use while on the field during all events.
Prescription glasses can be used for eye protection if the lenses are comprised of plastic or polycarbonate.
Hearing protection devices designed specifically for shooting sports are required for each student athlete and coach to use while on the field during all events. All devices (ear muffs or ear plugs) are highly recommended to have a Noise Reduction Rating (NNR) of 27dB or higher.
Hearing protection devices that allow for playing music are allowed as long as range commands are audible. Standard commercial ear buds, headphones, or Bluetooth audio playback devices are not designed to reduce and/or eliminate gunshot noise and are not approved hearing protection.
It is recommended that spectators also wear hearing protection when near the field.
Every participant in the League will promote a positive image by wearing appropriate attire during all events.
Prohibited items include:
• Clothing that exposes any part of the torso, including but not limited to, cutoff t-shirts, halter tops, tank tops, etc.
• Short shorts and low riding shorts or pants revealing undergarments or buttocks.
• Flip-flops or opened-toed shoes/sandals. Footwear with open backs must utilize a rear strap.
• Any clothing with pictures, caricatures, designs, messages, writings, or other embellishments with direct or indirect
references to alcohol, tobacco, sex or sexual connotations, drugs, gambling, or profanities.
Foot Pads
Athletes are not allowed to rest muzzles on their feet and should not use any type of foot pads. Magnetic muzzle pads are allowed if placed on the ground.
Safety & Courtesy
All coaches and team staff members have the responsibility to keep the range safe always. Any team staff member should take it upon them self to speak respectfully with any student athlete on any team immediately if they see a safety violation.
All students and coaches will follow state and county laws and their school’s policy regarding firearms and ammunition.
The shotgun and ammunition are picked up at a student athlete’s home and brought to shooting range by parents or students. Some shooting ranges may have secured firearm storage available.
Teams, families and student athletes must follow all state and federal laws on the purchase, sale, storage, and transportation of ammunition.
All shotguns must be unloaded and have the action open when not shooting.
- Shotguns should be uncased and placed in the rack immediately upon arrival to the shooting range to ensure they are unloaded.
- An unloaded break open shotgun’s action may be closed when it is in a gun rack.
- All shotguns will be carried with two hands with the action open and muzzle pointed in a safe direction.
- Immediately after shooting a student athlete’s shotgun should either be placed back onto the gun rack or cased and returned to the student athlete’s vehicle.
It is the student athletes’ and coaches’ responsibility to conduct an event in a reasonable and safe manner. Safety is more important than speed.
Before a round:
- Do not handle another person’s shotgun without the shotgun owner’s permission.
- It is recommended to add a name label on your shotgun and gear for identification in case any item is left behind.
- Cell phones or any other electronic devices are not allowed on the field.
- Always have the shotgun pointed out over fields, up in the air, or at the ground when at the firing line whether the shotgun is loaded or not.
- Always keep your finger out of the trigger guard area until your shotgun is shouldered and pointed down range.
During a round:
- No eating or drinking while occupying a shooting station.
- Test shots are not permitted.
- The practice of tracking targets behind a shooting squad is not permitted.
- Be respectful and do not distract others.
- No heckling.
- Do not leave your station or pivot recklessly to offer help if another athlete needs assistance.
- Only coaches can instruct students while occupying a shooting station. On-field skill training/coaching is not allowed during competition events.
- Control ejected shells so they do not disturb other athletes at their shooting station. All athletes are required to mount a shell catcher to any shotgun dispensing spent hulls outside of their occupied post. Spent hulls may land directly next to or behind the athlete by way of gravity. Any spent hull ejected from the shotgun by force towards another athlete will require a shell catcher to be applied immediately.
- In the case of a shell catcher malfunction the athlete must produce and apply a new shell catcher immediately.
- The scorekeeper must be notified by the athlete or the coach of the violation of controlling ejected shells. This must be addressed immediately.
- To complete round it should take no more than 15 minutes for trap and 5-Stand (25 targets). No more than 25 minutes for Skeet (25 targets). No more than 60 minutes for sporting clays (50 targets).
After your round:
- Place your unloaded shotgun in the gun rack for near future rounds. Place the cased shotgun in your vehicle when your event is completed.
- Hulls are required to be picked up in between rounds (50 targets) and not wait until the end of the day.
- Clean your shotgun after shooting.
- Wash your hands after handling ammunition, shooting, or cleaning your shotgun.
- Snap caps are permitted in a safe place away from people.
Conference Participation
Any League-sponsored practice, competition, or tournament is defined as a League event.
The Spring season consists of nine consecutive weeks of conference events that is then followed by tournaments.
- Practice Weeks (1 and 2)
- Reserve Week (1)
- Competition Weeks (1-5)
- Fun Week (1)
- Tournaments
The Fall season begins in September and does not include Practice Weeks, Fun Week, or tournaments.
Specific schedules and information is available on each League’s website.
A Class contains multiple conferences. Multiple Classes may be used for the League if a multi-day tournament is required at the end of the season.
Each conference for each sport in a league is comprised of three or more teams. Teams are assigned a conference based on a similar number of members on a team.
Leagues that have less than three teams will be assigned to a National Conference for their corresponding sport. The National Conference will be comprised of teams throughout the country that will compete in conference and tournament events. All awards will represent the National Conference.
See the Conference example.
Each team coordinates with their local shooting range to determine available days and times to complete the required events.
- Practice and conference competition rounds are 50-target events.
- The scheduled event week is defined as starting on Sunday and ending on Saturday at 9:00 p.m. CT.
- Scores can only be submitted during the scheduled event week.
- All rounds are considered practice scores unless they are declared competition targets PRIOR to conducting the round.
- Using a “best score” (as defined by taking the top score from multiple scoring events during an event week for an athlete) is not allowed.
- An athlete’s score can only be used if completed on their team’s scheduled event.
- No handicapping is allowed for athlete score adjustments.
- In all cases, a coach and Range Safety Officer must be present at all times when a student is participating in League events.
Practice is allowed prior to a scheduled event or any other different scheduled day(s) if it doesn’t interfere with other teams or shooting range members.
Any athlete wishing to shoot more should be encouraged to do so, if it doesn’t interfere with other schools scheduled practice. It is important that a school team does not infringe on another school team’s opportunity to participate by taking up more than their fair share of range time. In addition, teams are strongly encouraged to be respectful of all volunteer time and shooting range manager(s) time. Additional shooting may occur if all other athletes have had an opportunity to complete practice rounds and an athlete has no viable opportunity to shoot during the week. Ask a coach or shooting range manager for availability and costs.
Practice Week
League-scheduled practice week(s) can be conducted and scores can be submitted at any time through the Reserve Week. Practice Week score entries are not required by highly encouraged.
The week prior to the first competition event week, each team will shoot in a “simulated” (not competing against other teams) competition and the scores will be used as a “reserve” score.
- Reserve Week scores cannot be used on an individual basis. If Reserve Week scores are used, the entire team must use them.
- Reserve Week scores are automatically used for the entire team if no scores are entered before the score submission deadline.
- Once the Reserve Week scores are submitted to use for a Competition Week, the scores cannot be changed.
- Reserve Week scores will be used as a tiebreaker in determining award winners for year-end team and individual competitions.
- Reserve Week scores can be used multiple times if required.
Uncompleted Reserve Week
If the Reserve Week cannot be completed during its scheduled week, follow the below preferences in the order as they appear to makeup the Reserve Week score:
- Reschedule the entire team or multiple squads to complete the Reserve Week event and submit scores during the Week 1 Competition Week.
- If the Reserve Week event cannot be completed during the first competition week, then compute the average scores for all student athletes for completed practice weeks and use them for your Reserve Week scores.
- If your team needs to use the Reserve Week scores for a competition event week and no Reserve Week scores are entered in the Team Management profile, then zero (0) scores will be used for all athletes.
Competition weekly events are team-scheduled at the local shooting range. Competition week scores are used for conference scoring and rankings.
- All teams must conduct their competition week events in succession.
- Teams are allowed to complete a future event week prior to the schedule event week.
- A competition event may continue on a second day only if the competition event gets postponed due to weather, darkness, or other unforeseen circumstances.
The Fun Week follows the last week of spring competition and is intended for teams to host a fun event or practice for the tournaments. Some ideas for Fun Week include:
- Host a picnic and fun shoot for school officials, city officials, parents, and sponsors of the team.
- Try other clay target shooting sports.
- Host an Annie Oakley shoot or try some other fun games.
- Host a team banquet with athletes, their families, and team supporters to celebrate the season and recognize achievements.
Any team staff member authorized to submit scores is required to submit their team’s scores for all events through the Scoring Management page in TMS through ClayTargetGo!.
- Scores must be submitted prior to 9:00 p.m. CT on the Saturday of the scheduled event (practice or competition).
- Score submissions or changes can be made at any time prior to the weekly 9:00 p.m. CT Saturday deadline.
- After submitting scores, team staff members will receive a confirmation email including athlete scores.
- If the team staff members do not receive the confirmation email, the scores were not properly submitted and they should try again.
- The scoring confirmation is emailed to all coaches that are selected by the Head Coach in the Team Management System.
- Partial (one or more athlete scores) scoring submissions count as a team score and the Reserve Week score for the team cannot be used.
- Any student athlete score that is an error cannot be corrected after the deadline.
**IMPORTANT** For any team that does not submit any event scores before the score submission deadline, the Reserve Week score will be used. If no Reserve Week scores for the team are recorded, a zero (“0”) score will be used for all members. No exceptions will be made after the deadline.
Absent Athlete
If an athlete is absent for an event select the “Did Not Participate” box associated with the athlete’s name when entering scores.
- If no score is entered for an athlete before the scoring submission deadline, DNP will automatically be used.
- DNP will not count against the athlete’s weekly average score used for tournament classifications.
- DNP will not count against the team’s weekly score unless the team does not meet the minimum number of athlete scores required for the True Team scoring.
- DNP disqualifies an athlete from overall and conference standings/awards and the National Championship individual competition.
In the event of inclement weather before or during League events, coaches should make safety their priority.
- When lightning is observed or thunder is heard, the event must be suspended.
- The occurrence of lightning or thunder is not subject to interpretation or discussion. Lightning is lightning; thunder is thunder.
- Athletes and support personnel shall be moved to appropriate indoor facilities.
- Athletes shall not return to the field until lightning has been absent from the local sky and thunder has not been heard for 30 minutes.
- Spectators need to be advised to seek shelter also.
If the event is cancelled, the event may be rescheduled within the same week or the Reserve Week score must be used.
Clay Target Shooting Procedures
Each clay target shooting sport has its own unique requirements and procedures and it is important to understand each depending on the clay target sport you are participating in. This section covers rules and procedures common to all League disciplines.
Each athlete will have all the equipment and ammunition necessary to complete the round each time they occupy a shooting station. All shotguns must be carried open and unloaded when moving to the athlete’s assigned starting station. Test firing of a shotgun is not permitted.
At the moment the athlete calls and until the target appears, the athlete must stand in the “READY” position including:
- Both feet entirely within the shooting station area.
- Holding the shotgun with both hands.
- A live round may be in the chamber, but the action MUST be open until it is the athlete’s turn to shoot.
Upon a “START” command from the scorekeeper, each athlete, in turn, will:
- Take proper shooting position.
- Load shell(s) as required by type of sport/shoot
- Close the action of the shotgun.
- Clearly call “PULL” or some other command for the target.
- Shoot at the target.
- Scorekeeper does not comment when a target is “HIT”
- Scorekeeper will say “LOST” loud enough for the squad to hear when a target is missed.
- Discharge empty shell.
- Wait for next turn.
An athlete may close the shotgun action only after the previous athlete has completed his/her turn. No athlete will turn from the shooting station before the athlete’s shotgun action is open and empty. Each athlete should begin his/her turn within five (5) seconds after the last athlete has fired at a target and the result has been recorded.
“Out” Or “End Of Round”
Upon the completion of a round, the scorekeeper will declare “OUT” or “End Of Round”. Athletes will be notified of their scores, make their shotguns safe, and carry the shotgun in the approved manner and exit the station.
All athletes are responsible for collecting empty hulls used during their round and disposing them in the assigned receptacle.
The official score is the record kept by the scorekeeper on a scoresheet furnished to him/her by the team, shooting range, or event host. One scoresheet is used for each squad.
- The scorekeeper shall clearly record an accurate record of each score of each student athlete.
- A scored target is promptly recorded in the square of the corresponding round on the scoresheet.
- If a target is scored “HIT/DEAD”, the scorekeeper will mark the square with a diagonal slash (/) or crossed out (X).
- If the target is scored “MISSED/LOST”, the scorekeeper will mark the square with a circle (O) and verbally announce “LOST” to the entire squad.
- Any target scored with both a “/ or X” and “O” shall be “LOST”, unless the word “DEAD” is clearly printed in the square.
- The scorekeeper is required to announce round scores to the squad after each station change.
- At the end of each round, the scorekeeper is required to announce the scores for that round in firing order.
- ALL athletes should verify their score with the scorekeeper, and then sign or initial the scoresheet prior to leaving the field after a completed session.
- Scores are recounted by event officials to ensure accuracy. Mismarked or illegible scoring sheets are considered a ‘lost target’ by official scorers. All scores are considered final after final results are posted.
- Only mathematical errors can be corrected off of the field.
Score Disputes
Scoring disputes must be initiated by the student athlete only, and must be immediately after a scorer announces a lost target.
- The scorekeeper shall clearly record an accurate record of each score of each student athlete.
- A scored target is promptly recorded in the square of the corresponding round on the scoresheet.
- If a target is scored “HIT/DEAD”, the scorekeeper will mark the square with a diagonal slash (/) or crossed out (X).
- If the target is scored “MISSED/LOST”, the scorekeeper will mark the square with a circle (O) and verbally announce “LOST” to the entire squad.
- Any target scored with both a “/ or X” and “O” shall be “LOST”, unless the word “DEAD” is clearly printed in the square.
- The scorekeeper is required to announce round scores to the squad after each station change.
- At the end of each round, the scorekeeper is required to announce the scores for that round in firing order.
- Every student athlete in a squad should review their scores and initial the scoresheet after the round is completed to verify the addition of scores are correct.
- Only mathematical errors can be corrected off of the field.
A missed target must be declared “LOST” when:
- It is not hit during its flight.
- It is only “dusted” and no visible piece is broken from it.
- An athlete, for no permitted reason, does not shoot at a regulation target for which the athlete has called.
- The athlete is allowed two “misfires” per round if they were not able to fire his/her firearm because he/she has not released the safety or has forgotten to load it.
- Any misfires beyond the two permitted during a round will be assigned a lost target.
- The scorekeeper will keep track of the misfires on the scoresheet with an “FF” (Failure to Fire) indicated within the corresponding round.
In the event of a lost target dispute:
- The athlete immediately raises an arm to notify the scorekeeper.
- All athletes must unload their shotguns and make them safe.
- The scorekeeper defers to the entire squad for majority ruling decision.
- If a majority ruling cannot be made by the squad, the lost target score will stay as-is.
- Unless there is a disputed call, no score can be changed after the next athlete in line has completed his/her shot.
The athlete refusing a target must indicate this by opening the action on their shotgun and raising an arm. An athlete may refuse shooting at a released target if:
- A target is not released immediately after the athlete’s call.
- The athlete is visibly disturbed by some external cause.
- The scorekeeper agrees that the target was flying along an irregular path other than that specified in angle, elevation or distance.
A scorekeeper may declare a “no bird” when:
- A broken or irregular target emerges.
- Multiple targets are thrown at once from a single thrower.
- An athlete shoots out of turn.
- Another athlete fires at the same target.
- The scorekeeper notices the athlete was visibly disturbed by some external cause.
- The scorekeeper notices athlete’s foot position is outside his/her area.
- The scorekeeper detects a violation of the athlete’s allowed time limit.
- The shot is discharged involuntarily before the athlete has called for the target.
- A target is thrown before the athlete’s call.
- A target is not released immediately after the athlete’s call.
- A target’s trajectory is irregular.
- There is an allowable malfunction of shotgun or shell.
Any target thrown that comes out of the thrower that is broken or chipped will be re-thrown for score regardless if the score recorder calls “no bird”. This includes if the athlete fires and hits the broken target. Only clear and whole targets are considered legal for competition.
Failure to fire due to a shotgun malfunction requires that the athlete calls for a “cease fire” or “stop” and properly makes the shotgun safe. When the command or the signal “stop” or “cease fire” is given, shooting must stop immediately and all athletes must unload their shotguns and make them safe.
When a “freeze” is given by an RSO or scorekeeper, then all athletes must immediately stop in their current position and wait for instructions from field officials.
The RSO must examine the situation and determine if the shotgun can safely function for the remainder of the round. If the RSO deems the shotgun unusable for that round, the athlete must finish the round with another shotgun not already in use. If the athlete does not have access to an alternative shotgun then the athlete must take a zero score for each remaining target that round.
- Athletes are not allowed to suspend a round and finish it after their shotgun has been repaired.
- Athletes are not allowed to hold up the round for more than three minutes during a failure to fire situation.
- Once the RSO has deemed the shotgun unusable for that round the shotgun cannot be brought back onto the field for any reason until the start of a new round.
The round may resume once the cease fire issue has been resolved and the “Start” command given by the scorekeeper and/or RSO (Range Safety Officer).
Conference scores/standings and 25/50 Straight Club results are updated weekly on Sundays beginning after Competition Week 1. Coaches may view and download team scoring summaries in TMS. Results will be published on the League’s website on the discipline’s respective leaderboard page.
Individual Scoring
Athlete rankings for all weekly conference events are determined by season average.
True Team® Scoring
The League’s exclusive True Team® scoring format is used to determine the overall performance for a team.
Final results will be published on the League’s website on the discipline’s respective leaderboard.
Team Awards
- All completed event scores are added to determine the standings based on the highest number of points earned.
- The team that ends the season with the highest number of points earned wins their respective conference.
- Ties will be awarded equally.
- Conference High Score – 1-2 places.
Individual Awards
- Individual awards will be recognized by the highest season averages.
- Athletes are required to have scores used in all competition weeks to qualify for awards.
- Ties for awards are broken by using the highest Reserve Week score. If the Reserve Week score is a tie, then places are awarded equally.
- Conference Overall High Average – single highest average in the League.
- Conference Overall High Average by gender – single highest average in the League.
- Conference High Average by gender – 1-3 places.
Conference True Team® Scoring
True Team Overview
The League’s exclusive True Team® scoring format is used to determine the overall performance for a team in all weekly events during the season.
The True Team® scoring designed specifically by the League makes competition exciting for the team and its student athletes while incorporating the League’s mission and beliefs. This is accomplished by measuring which team is the best overall, rather than which team has the most top finishers while allowing all team members to participate. The League’s True Team® scoring method is:
- Fair for everyone.
- Focused on team awards.
- Scalable to work with all team and conference sizes.
- Measurable so athletes and coaches can monitor personal performance progress and goals.
- Flexible to encourage teams to offer open participation and introduce beginner participants.
- Open to all athletes on a team to contribute to the team score.
The League’s True Team scoring is a similar scoring system used for other school sports including track, swimming and gymnastics.
In the True Team® scoring format, each team in a conference must have the same number of athlete scores used to offer an equal opportunity of points earned. Each conference will have a different total of the points available to be earned for each event because each conference will have a different number of qualifying athletes and perhaps a different number of teams.
- The number of scores used is determined upon a team’s conference designation which occurs after the athlete registration deadline but before Competition Week 1 begins. This True Team number (TT#) is indicated along side the conference designation.
- Smaller conferences with smaller teams will use less scores.
- Larger conferences with larger teams will use more scores.
- The same number of team members must be used for each team to provide equal opportunity to earn points.
See the Conference True Team Points Calculation example.
Athletes compete in each weekly event against all other athletes within a conference. True Team points are assigned based on rankings.
- The total True Team points available in a conference is determined by multiplying the number of conference teams and the number of athlete scores used each week.
- First place receives the highest number of True Team points and the remaining scores are assigned based on decreasing subsequent scores to the last qualifying score that receives one point.
See the Conference True Team Point Assignments example.
When weekly event scores are calculated, each athlete’s scores are ranked and the True Team points earned are assigned.
- The top scores, as determined by the qualifying number of scores used for your team each week, are compared against all other teams within a conference.
- The top score receives the highest number of points available and the remaining scores are assigned based on decreasing subsequent scores to the last qualifying score that receives one point.
- Scores that are tied will split the earned points equally.
- Athletes who do not qualify (DNQ) for the week’s top qualifying scores are recorded, submitted and contribute to an athlete’s overall average, but not used in the team’s score for the week.
See the Week 4 Event: Athlete Scores And True Team Points Earned example.
After athlete True Team points earned are determined, each athlete’s True Team points are added together to determine the total team score for the event.
If a team has a lesser amount of athlete scores submitted (ie: 4) than the required True Team scores required (ie: 5), then the remaining scores needed (ie: 1) will be assigned last place in the weekly rankings and receive the minimum amount (ie: 1) of True Team points earned.
See Week 4 Event: Team Scores example.
The team score is then compared against scores of all the other teams in a conference to determine weekly and overall standings.
See Weeks 1-4 Events: Overall Team Scores example.